Starting this September, Nepal will include mandatory Yoga lessons in their education program!
Plenty of research has shown that yoga is not just simple physical activity, but rather a holistic practice which greatly benefits both the body and the mind, boosting one’s health and lowering stress levels.
All over the world, pilot and optional yoga and meditation programs are being introduced in schools. In India, birthplace of this ancient discipline, there are schools that require students to take yoga classes weekly, even if the decision is ultimately up to individual institutes and it is not a national policy.
In the United States there are numerous schools that have included yoga, meditation and optional programs that allow students time to practice deep breathing techniques and stress reduction exercises.
Nepal, however, is now the first country in the world that has officially decided to make it a subject of study in every school – end of year exams included.
Starting this September, thousands of elementary and middle school students will devote themselves to two hours of yoga class per week, which will be both practical and theoretical and will include history of yogic thought lessons on Ayurveda and naturopathy.
Giriraj Mani Pokhrel, Nepal’s education minister explained: “Yoga is our ancient science. We want students to learn it, and we think this is the right time.”
Students who underwent a pilot project are already reporting the positive benefits of this new study subject. Abhiyan Bhatta a 15-year-old student who has struggled with knee problems for years says: “Yoga has really helped me care for myself…I have healed my pain.”
Coming into deep contact with your body, your mind and your breathing from an early age can certainly bring great benefits!
Source: NYTimes